Monday, January 2, 2012

The other twins are home and Christmas is here!!

When we got home from Georgia we had Nick's brothers home from their missions. Did I mention they are twins. Did I also mention that The girls were were born on August 24th and Trent and Trevor's birthday is August 24th? Yep all born on the same day!! We are so happy to have them home and were so excited for Christmas!! Nick blessed the girls and his brothers were in the circle with him. I love my other family so much!! I am one lucky girl! 2011 was the best year and I can't wait to see what 2012 brings!!


We were able to go to Georgia for Thanksgiving and I was so excited because everyone has been wanting to meet the babies. I miss everyone everyday and so happy that we had so much fun!! It was so good to see Ammon doing so great!! I am so happy for him!

Our first Haloween

The next 2 weeks...

Emma and Lily were born a month early and that means they were super little when they arrived. They couldn't keep their sugar level normal and could not breastfeed. The Dr at the hospital told us they must go to the NCU2 to gain weight and learn how to eat. Which also means we are not able to take them home. That is the worse feeling in the world to leave the hospital and not take your babies with you. The nurses were amazing and let us come see them anytime we wanted. Even if we wanted to come at 2 in the morning ( we didn't go then). I would go everyday twice a day. The Dr told us in order for the babies to develop we must let them sleep and not pick them up that much which means we could only hold them for 1 hour every visit. Its kinda funny I am sitting here writing this remembering what I felt and I am starting to cry. I would never wish that on my worst enemy. Well day after day I would come in and try to get them to breastfeed. Their mouths were so small it was not working and they were not progressing. Plus I would have to go home and pump 10 times a day with equals out to every 2 hours. Then one day a nurse recommends a bottle. She the bottle is easy for babies and that it might get them to eat on their own. The draw back is that I would feed than pump than feed and pump. Nick was really not wanting to do that but I was sick of leaving my babies there. Oh did I mention it was 30 mins one way to get there? Well I thought and prayed about it and we both decided to do it. 5 days later they were out of the hospital. To all the ladies who criticize me to my face and behind my back for bottle feeding I hope you read this and understand and feel a little stupid because you had no idea what I was going through. Sunday September 11th the babies came home!!! Here are some pictures

Emaline Grace and Lily Elizabeth

Emaline Grace and Lily Elizabeth born on August 24, 2011. Emma and 7:34 pm 5 lbs and 4 oz and Lily at 7:37 4 lbs and 7 oz. We are so happy.

The rest of the pregnancy

The next five months seemed to go so slow. I was able to see by best friend Leah get married and participate in the Moonlight Half marathon ( as a volunteer). About 3 weeks before I gave birth I hit the worse park of my pregnancy. I got toxemia. The Dr out me on bed rest which was horrible because even if I wanted to sleep I could because of the fact I was so huge. Then I had a condition call pupps. It is a rash that breaks out all over your body during pregnancy. It happens to 1 in 200 women. It was horrible. The rash only broke out at night and I will have scares my whole life because of all the scratching I did. But, it was all worth it when the Dr. said it was time to have the babies!! Here we go!!!!!!

The next four months...

Well after that I started a new job where I could sit all day and started to show... Here are some pictures of fast forward of four months... Please don't judge of how big I got.. lol.. We went back to the Dr at 20 weeks and we found out we were having two girls!!! Nick was so excited. He has always been around boys and all he wanted was some girls!!

The results....

During our trip to Hawaii I kept getting calls from the Dr office wondering if I had taken my test yet and what the result was. I got really scared because I just didn't want to know, I couldn't get another negative so I just kept putting it off. After we got back from Hawaii the Dr office would not leave me alone so as I was sitting in my room deciding if I should wait for Nick to get home to take the test or just get it over with. If is was negative I could just cry by myself and get it over with so I did it!! I took one and positive was showing and then one after another positive kept coming up. After three more tests I decided it must be true so then I had to wait 2 hours for Nick to get home to tell him. Longest 2 hours of my life.
When Nick finally got home and was told the look on his face was perfect. We couldn't wait to tell everyone so we called everyone and told them. I finally called the Dr back and made the appointment for an ultrasound. I don't know if anyone will read this but doing the fertility treatment was the best thing we did. I am so thankful for Nick. I know that without him I wouldn't have made it. Well we went to the Dr and she did the ultrasound and turned out we were having not just 1 baby but 2!!! Nick and I were very scared but super excited.

Hawaii here we come.

Hawaii was amazing. I was so excited to see it and explore. We stayed in Kauai and it was SO beautiful. We were able to ride bikes everywhere, go snorkeling, hike in places were not a lot of people explore. My very cool in-laws were there before we got there and were able to drive around explore and see all the fun things to do so by the time we got there we had so much to do and see!! I can't wait to go back one day or maybe if I win the lottery I will live there! Here are some pictures of our trip...