Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Our trip to Georgia

In June we were able to go home to Georgia to see my family. I was really excited about this because I wanted to show Nick where i grew up. The last time we were there we were kinda busy getting married so this time was just to enjoy and relax. Michelle was able to come out too with her kids so it was a ton of fun. We would all go swimming in the pool with all the kids. Ashley was so scared of the water so she never really got in, except for one time.... Polly, Nick and I were outside watching the kids playing on the deck , Ashley wanted to feel the water so she kept getting closer and closer to the water, well she fell in.. Nick the superhero he is jump out of his seat and jump right into the pool to save her. When he did that he left the camera, a nike chip and his wallet in his pocket when he went in.. haha... We had a ton of fun with the family and was so sad that we had to leave.

A New House!!!!!

Nick and I was so sick of living in our little apartment. We both thought it would be so fun to own our very own house! Well we looked and looked and looked, and let me tell you that buying a house in Utah that is in a college student price range is very hard but we found it, and WE LOVE OUR NEW HOUSE!