Sunday, November 11, 2012

Organizing OCD

  I never liked the idea of cleaning my room for fun( I had a very messy room growing up), but since I got married and had my own home with my own things somehow my favorite things to do in my house was clean and organize it!!  Now that I am a stay at home momma I keep organizing and re-organizing everything in my house and when I discovered Pinterest!! Oh my goodness I went crazy! Pinterest has tons of organizing ideas. My hubby is pretty amazing because he never complained about the fact that i was getting a little crazy with organizing.  I called it....ORGANIZING OCD.
   Here is a  back story to the next story I am going to tell....  Before I had my babies I had a job since I was 16.. That was 13 years of work before the babies came( yes I am 29).  So after I had my twins I was an official stay at home momma.  I was so happy, this was my dream! All I ever wanted was to be a momma!  The first couple months were great because the girls were super little and I was always busy, but after a while I started to feel like I was doing nothing.. I had no one to talk to, when the girls slept I went crazy trying to find new hobbies to keep me busy until they woke up.. I was feeling like I was not contributing enough for our family.  Meanwhile, My hubby was working a full time job and going to school too!  Finally one night I told him what was wrong with me!  He is such a great guy cause if the rolls were reversed I would have not acted the same way as he did.  He said, "Why don't you go and organized other people's homes?"  "You can make your own hours and it will be fun for you."  I had never thought people did that, I thought they were called "house cleaners."  So I researched it on the computer and found a ton of websites of professional organizer.  I was super excited.

  So I am trying this out.  Every week I am going to people before and after pictures of people's homes that I organized( mostly just one room) to try and get a business started.  Let me know if you need help organizing!! I'm pretty excited about the new adventure I am going to take!  Here is one house I have already done! Enjoy! Because I did! haha


Halloween is one of my favorite holidays!! This year I threw a Halloween party with my good friend Maegan.... It was such a blast! Emma was an elephant and Lily was a lady bug!Plus my in-laws(who are so amazing) were the people with the huge boobs!! Loved it!

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Every year I try to get home the Georgia to see my family.  When Nick asked my dad to marry me (yeah I know he is amazing) my dad told him he wanted to see his daughter and her family once a year and Nick has not let us down.  Flying with 2 babies is such a pain but it is worth it.  Just fyi if you are traveling with little ones and need a snack the best things ever invented are the apple sauce pouches!! They are the perfect size to get past seceirty and the kids love them!!
  Anyways we had such a blast at home: went to the Aquirum... check... Went on a hike with Polly... Check... ate some krystals...CHECK!! 

  While we were home Nick and I were able to run a 5k together.  It was the first 5k I have ran since having the babies and finished at 38 minutes.  I know I know super slow but I am working on it!!  I wanted to brag about my amazing hubby for a second.  Nick as you may know has ran a marathon and is a very very very good runner.  I have seen him not run in months and go out and run 8 miles!! Crazy, I am shaking my head think about it!  Well I know for a fact he could have finished that 5k a lot fast than me, but he stuck with me the whole time.  He is so sweet and I love him for that.  Here are some fun pictures of our Adventures in Georgia! Enjoy!

Dinosaur Museum

At Thanksgiving point they have an amazing dinosaur museum.  Nick has always told me that growing up he LOVED everything about dinosaur so when I found a deal that let us go for 2 dollars Nick was so excited to go.  It was so fun for him to pick up the girls and take them over to one and describe it to them.  He is such a good daddy and so happy he is my baby daddy!! Haha.  Here are some fun pictures of our adventures!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

1 year old!!

Well we made it...  Best and hardest year of our life!! We are so lucky to have such cute fun kids.  Well this is how the day went.  Nick woke up so excited that it was their birthday that he had to wake them up.  Well he leaves at 6:30 and they usually wake up at 7:30.  They woke up didn't have a clue of what was happening. Nick kissed them goodbye and I was stuck with grumpy babies until they took their early nap.  Our cute neighbor came over and game them an outfit and 1 dollar for each.  When Nick got home from work he gave them his presents. 

  Then we went down to Nick's parent's house because Nick's brothers also have the same birthday as the girls.  It was so much fun to celebrate with Trevor (Trent is in Arizona).  Here are some fun pictures of that great day!