Saturday, October 27, 2012


Every year I try to get home the Georgia to see my family.  When Nick asked my dad to marry me (yeah I know he is amazing) my dad told him he wanted to see his daughter and her family once a year and Nick has not let us down.  Flying with 2 babies is such a pain but it is worth it.  Just fyi if you are traveling with little ones and need a snack the best things ever invented are the apple sauce pouches!! They are the perfect size to get past seceirty and the kids love them!!
  Anyways we had such a blast at home: went to the Aquirum... check... Went on a hike with Polly... Check... ate some krystals...CHECK!! 

  While we were home Nick and I were able to run a 5k together.  It was the first 5k I have ran since having the babies and finished at 38 minutes.  I know I know super slow but I am working on it!!  I wanted to brag about my amazing hubby for a second.  Nick as you may know has ran a marathon and is a very very very good runner.  I have seen him not run in months and go out and run 8 miles!! Crazy, I am shaking my head think about it!  Well I know for a fact he could have finished that 5k a lot fast than me, but he stuck with me the whole time.  He is so sweet and I love him for that.  Here are some fun pictures of our Adventures in Georgia! Enjoy!

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