Thursday, September 13, 2012

1 year old!!

Well we made it...  Best and hardest year of our life!! We are so lucky to have such cute fun kids.  Well this is how the day went.  Nick woke up so excited that it was their birthday that he had to wake them up.  Well he leaves at 6:30 and they usually wake up at 7:30.  They woke up didn't have a clue of what was happening. Nick kissed them goodbye and I was stuck with grumpy babies until they took their early nap.  Our cute neighbor came over and game them an outfit and 1 dollar for each.  When Nick got home from work he gave them his presents. 

  Then we went down to Nick's parent's house because Nick's brothers also have the same birthday as the girls.  It was so much fun to celebrate with Trevor (Trent is in Arizona).  Here are some fun pictures of that great day!